Can Lego solve a Rubik’s Cube? You bet!
The Lego Rubic’s Cube robot
How fast can you solve a Rubik’s Cube
? My answer? "Not very".
This robot can solve it in under 25 seconds.
The robot is made from Lego Mindstorm, Lego Technic pieces, and a Droid cell phone running a custom-made application. The cell phone takes pictures of each side of the Rubik’s Cube from above, the uses solves the puzzle and sends instructions to the Mindstorm robot with Bluetooth.
The robot was built by ARM to show off their processor in the Droid phone (which explains the skateboarding Droid robot in the upper right corner). Even though it’s a promotional video, it’s still one of the coolest uses of Lego I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some cool ones.
(via Gizmodo)
I have re-watched it and although cool I believe it is deceptive. I am sure that the machine is “solving” from memory. It is not watching as it goes.
Watch the beginning of the video. It scans the cube, then there is a fade to black and back before the timer and the motion is started. That thing could have been sitting there planning out moves for a half an hour, but they cut that time from the video.
Don’t get me wrong, I still would love to play with such a thing, but since this IS a promotional video for the company that made the processor, it is reasonable to assume that they my be “enhancing” the performance a bit.
Still cool…just misleading, but cool.
Hey davey–
the video has been removed
Just a heads up
Video link fixed!