Archive for February, 2013

Skylanders Swap Force Booth at Toy Fair

This was a huge, awesome display!


2 story Power Ranger at Toy Fair


Some toy booths are empty at toy fair


Fun at toy fair

A slightly creepy animated guy at you fair.


The New Monopoly Token is…. A Cat!

monopoly token
The new token

As I posted earlier, Hasboro has been allowing the world to vote on what Monopoly token will be retired and which new one will take it’s place. I voted to retire the iron and replace it with the robot.

Well, the internet world has spoken, and the iron will, indeed, be retired. And it will be replaced by a cat. Which is, I guess, fair since there’s been a dog for many years.

This is your last chance to buy the iconic board game with the original set of tokens. So if you can’t stand change, buy the classic version before it’s too late.

And if you’d like to see the official results in a cute animation, check out their Facebook page.

Dave’s Cool Toys Blog
We post news about new toys on our site, new toys in the market, general toy information, or stuff we just thought was cool (usually toys).

We welcome your feedback and comments.

Be sure to check out our toys at Dave's Cool Toys. We work hard to find toys you won't find at the big box stores. Now go out and play!

Dave Ference

A little disclaimer
A few things we thought you should know:

Some of the links on our weblog will not take you to Dave's Cool Toys, but to other sites. If you purchase an item from that site we may, or may not, receive a commission on that purchase.

All toy reviews are honest and will give you the good, the bad, and the ugly, even if it's a toy we sell. We receive no compensation for any toy reviews.

Links to other sites have been checked by us for appropriate content, but we cannot check every page of every site and every link on those sites, and any changes that may have been made to those sites since we visited them. Children should be supervised at all times while surfing the web.

We've done our best to make sure that information on our weblog is accurate. Some items may be rumors, gossip, or hearsay. We will do our best to make it clear when it is, and will correct anything we find to be wrong.
