Truth in Advertising: Poop Up Pool
I came across this unfortunate typo on a wading pool this morning on the web. It’s made even funnier by the body language of the girl in the pool. At least they got the pricing signage right.
Poop Up Pool
Of course this could be a photoshop hoax. I searched Amazon to try to find this pool, but the closest I found was this one. A search of the Web found the slightly different version shown below, which would lead me to think that maybe it is a hoax.
Another version
Then, I found this one as well. Although in this picture, it doesn’t look like a three-dimensional box.
Another version
Hmmm. maybe some field research is needed.
I found this product today at my local gas station where I live in Sweden. Haha, I couldn’t believe my eyes! XD
It is so not a Photoshop hoax. I saw that product on the shelf yesterday where I live in Sweden. I took a photo with my cellphone just to prove to my husband I was not making it up.
[…] few weeks ago I posted about “Poop Up Pool” and wondered in the post whether it was a real photo or a photoshop […]
Agree it’s real. I took a photo of one today, also in Sweden.