Dave’s Cool Toys Blog Comment Spam, Installment #1
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We don’t like it either
Dave’s Cool Toys’ blog gets lots of comments. But you won’t see most of them on our posts. That’s because most of them are Comment Spam.
Comment Spam results from unscrupulous bloggers and webmasters attempting to get link-backs to their site to boost their search engine rankings artificially by posting as much as possible on other blogs by leaving comments. Sometimes they do it themselves, sometimes they use software bots to post for them.
It’s a pain. Fortunately, we use software that does a great job of filtering out this nonsense.
But, there are times when I read through the comment spam just to see what’s there before deleting it and it gives me a laugh. I really must say I don’t understand what they think they are doing at times.
So, I thought I’d share some of the odd comment spam we’ve received recently. This is the first installment. My comments are in italics. I have not edited the comments, so misspellings, punctuation, etc. are as they were written. I’ve deleted or changed links, phone numbers, etc.
Dave’s Cool Toys Blog Comment Spam
I like it!!! But then again, I am many times a lilliputian skewed in some of my thoughts. (But some of them entertain been to a t tricky)
I like that you separated doom from destiny. There is something to be said allowing for regarding difficult to account pro the fancy that we can then meet with disaster to fulfill our destiny.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) The replenish U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan has recommended an inflate of 40,000 troops as the buy viagra 50mg Luck minimum necessary to prevail, two sources familiar with his recommendations said on Thursday.
Very cleverly inserting a link in the middle
I stand here today humbled by the task before dofus kamas, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our cheap dofus kamas. I thank President dofus for his service to buy dofus kamas, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.
Brilliant and well deserved! Enjoy the moment and the prize!
What prize? Did I get a prize?
right now I will come in the picture and join you.
Welcome First time jumped here on your site, found on Yahoo. It really helps to have sombody to talk to other then my divorced parents. Thanks again Mr. Grey.
I am final, I am sorry, but you could not paint little bit more in detail.
At you a uneasy choice
I think, that you are not right. Let’s discuss. Write to me in PM.
Better late, than never.
What charming message
I’ve received several variations of this one such as the next one.
Do not give to me minute?
The word of honour.
Bravo, excellent phrase and is duly
In my opinion it is very interesting theme. I suggest you it to discuss here or in PM.
I can believe to you :)
Don’t hold it in! Tell us more!
lorem ipsum blabum leerum lusim husum kra
They couldn’t even be bothered to write something, just posted Greek Type
Check this Out!
2 days ago I received a message from 000-000-0000 (number removed) and was convinced the caller was a scam.
I decided to file a complaint with the Gulf Coast Western and complain.
Anyway, I feel like such a fool Gulf Coast Western -an oil corporation- called me back We’re contacting me about employment. Apparently I got the job
Any idea how to uncomplain and fix this????
This has what to do with toys?
I would equal to add your journal to my blogroll gratify bowman me what mainstay should I use?
I thank for the help in this question, now I will not commit such error.
I am sorry, that I interfere, there is an offer to go on other way.
What good question
You Exaggerate.
Not your business!
That was all one post
Im surprised to have found this blog, I though I was the only one writing about this…thanks.
This was on a post about my son making "Dave’s Cool Toys" out of K’nex. Who else would write about this?
Your babble makes me want to poop my pants…
In all, the theme was 121 comments and 120 of them spamskih well is not that fox?
Many bukaf not mastered, but the author credit.
Hopefully "bukaf" is not slang for something I’m not aware of.
looking for information for propagation of sea sponge, does anyone know of any other articles besides the one i posted.
This is a good and organization site. I like this in internet and here it exist. Ok and good.
Drop the high class, everything need to be flashy and expensive idea. You need to entertain in your budget and your abilities. Make sure that you will enjoy yourself also. If you spend most of your time worrying that your gathering is as great as it should be, you will not be able to have a great time as you should.
If I must say something, then nothing will stop the chatter inside
Dear Doglips;
My attention was drawn to the following:
“Drop the high class, everything need to be flashy and expensive idea. Make sure that you will enjoy yourself also. If you spend most of your time worrying that your gathering is as great as it should be, you will not be able to have a great time as you should.”
It reads either like a very large fortune cookie insert, or a mash-up of about four different ones.
Imagine you open your cookie and see this…”You need to entertain in your budget and your abilities.” All would be as you expect. And if you add the customary , “…in bed.” to it. It fits perfectly.
PS–If you spend most of your time worrying that your gathering is as great as it should be, you will not be able to have a great time as you should–in bed.
Ah, I’ve heard all of those before. I love the post…but hate all of the content, haha.