Cool Toy of the Day: Playmobil Apple Store Playset

What can you get for that budding Apple enthusiast in your family?

Playmobil Apple Store

How about the Playmobil ™ Apple Store Playset?

For only $179.99 your child can have the apple store to play with every day. It includes an entire Apple Store with figures and over 60 accessories and is fully staffed with associates. The first floor features product demo tables, software for sale, and a kids corner. The second floor features a Genius Bar and Keynote Theater for product launches.

For only $49.99 more you can add the "Line Pack" which simulates conditions at the store during Apple product launches. It even comes with a Woz on a Segway (If you don’t understand that you’re just not a geek).

Yes, you too can introduce your child "to the magic of Apple technology". You can even use your own iPhone as the screen in the Keynote Theater behind Steve Jobs!

Be sure to view the awesome commercial for the Playmobil Apple Store Playset below.

Gizmodo launched this item April 1 and we can’t say how long it will be available. Get yours today!

Think Geek via Coolest Toys

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Dave Ference

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