Cool Toy of the Day: Crawling Zombie

I must have this toy!

The Crawling Zombie is a battery operated toy that has no legs and crawls across the table by pulling himself along with his arms. His eyes glow red (why to their eyes always glow red?) and he growls and says things like "I can’t feel my legs" He’s also sound-activated, for even more fun. He’s about 4.5 inches high and made of soft rubber complete with a mesh "shroud" to complete the effect.

He would be a little better if he moved more slowly, but he’s still great.

Unfortunately, the one place I found him for sale (in England), he’s no longer available. I’ll have to just keep searching. Scroll down for video of the Crawling Zombie toy in action!

Lawn Zombie

I did find a cool zombie lawn ornament. This one is excellent, but a bit expensive at $72. It’s a resin lawn zombie that looks like he’s crawling up out of the ground. He’d be great for Halloween, but for those of us who are a bit off-beat, he’d be great for any time of year. Even in the snow. The Lawn Zombie is by one of my favorite companies, Design Toscano and was sculpted by Alan Dickinson. He’s hand-pained, comes packed in three pieces, and requires assembly.

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Dave Ference

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