2010 Illusion of the year. We agree!
The amazing video below is of the 2010 Illusion of the year as named by the 6th Annual Best Illusion of the Year Contest held by the Vision Sciences Society.
The illusion was created by Koukichi Sugihara at the Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences, Japan.
The coolest thing about this illusion is that it is a 3-dimensional model. Everything that’s happening is actually happening while it’s being recorded. No, it’s not magnets or anything tricky like that. Watch the video and at about 25 seconds in it will show you how it works.
The illusion clearly only works from one very specific angle. Any other angle shows how it works.
Check out the Illusion of the Year site for the other winners and other great illusions.
Want to build your own? The creators have plans you can download here.
via Gizmodo